Wednesday, May 6, 2009

INCOL training

Just came back from an INCOL session at the MAC : Northwest Digital Archives. I find it astounding how much material is becoming available for public viewing via the Internet and pleased that search tools are included. Check out this: And did you kn0w that WSU has a papal bull? And if you aren't a coug, would you care? I do now & can actually "see" it online. Neat.

1 comment:

  1. I'll second Michelle that the NWDA are a great resource, and one I think we should be more familiar with. There's a ton of great information quite literally at our fingertips. I used it for a customer doing genealogical research a few months back to great success.

    And while I am emphatically NOT a Coug, the Papal Bull is a fascinating resource, and a great example of what digital archives can do:

